Here is our manifesto! Yay!
We want every woman to live like a princess with robotic servants and we want everyone to live like wealthy billionaires, wealthy members of royalty, and wealthy slavemasters with robotic servants and robotic slaves that will do all of the work for them.I would also add a free pizza (a real one) to all registrants at Neuroscience conferences.
FACE IT, it would be fun to live like a wealthy person with robotic servants or slaves doing all the work for you!
We want to do this by demanding a 100% requirement to teach artificial intelligence robotics for grades K-12 and a requirement class in universities with the goal of teaching students to make robots that can replace people and serve people. Every student will learn to make robots that can serve us and do all of the work for us so we can live like wealthy princesses, wealthy billionaires, and wealthy slavemasters with robotic servants.
According to the promotional materials,
(CUrrently the Superhappy Party is officially registered in California and Nevada and I plan on registering it in all fifty states!)However, I could find evidence only of an attempt to register (and only in California):
Parties Attempting to QualifySo it remains to be seen if The Neurocritic will appear on the ballot in your state...
As of March 2008

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