Patients with left temporal lesions [DO NOT] report decreased religious experience. Oops, change of title.
A novel visuospatial test of creativity activated large chunks of both the right AND left cerebral hemispheres in a group of architects. Creativity should no longer be considered the exclusive domain of the right hemisphere, even for a cognitive function that typically shows a right lateralized bias (also see this review by Dietrich and Kanso, 2010).
Remember "Women w/ low libidos have diff brains"? Now the group of women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder no longer show that pesky, problematic activity in the primary motor cortex!
A low dose of red wine impairs planning and problem solving abilities in the Tower of Hanoi task. It also scrambles the normal distribution of EEG frequency bands.
Furthermore, drinking moderate doses of alcohol (BAC=0.055, under the legal limit for driving in the U.S.) will result in the commission of more errors in the Stroop task and a suppression of theta band activity in the medial frontal cortex.

The SfN Posterface preview.
This crank poster was very crowded: A “Humpty-Dumpty” theory for why we dream. It listed 21 (or so) rebuttals to possible objections. I didn't have the time (or patience) to read them all.
Why do the mere words "Hindu" "Jewish" "Christian" "Muslim" "Atheist" and "Scientologist" constitute exposure to an ingroup or outgroup? Why does n=27 Christians, n=6 Atheists, and n=4 Hindus provide the basis for adequate group comparisons? Because it’s empathic responses for another's pain!
Although drinking red wine was detrimental to cognitive performance, watching erotic videos was not. You'll be glad to hear that complex problem solving abilities in the Tower of Hanoi task were not impaired in moderately sexually aroused males. However, the pattern of cortical EEG correlations was altered.
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, oh-oh-e-oh-oh-oh,
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
------Lady Gaga
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