Dr. Janusz K. Rybakowski, a Polish psychiatrist, published a brief report in the Journal of Affective Disorders about a painting in his collection. The title is "Mania", and the artist is Florencio Yllana, who was born in the Phillippines and currently lives in Brazil. Rybakowski says:
The painting was done in 2001 following the acute manic episode in the course of bipolar mood disorder in the artist. A variety of intensive bright colors, the dragon and human-like creatures stemming from the head of the crawling warrior figure can reflect the flamboyant mood as well as the generation and flight of crazy ideas, characteristic of a manic episode. To my knowledge, this may be the only painting titled “Mania” where the title has been used in the contemporarily correct psychiatric meaning of the word.I found that hard to believe, so I did a Google image search of mania painting, and found the following on the first few pages: Andrew Mania, A Touch of Mania, Mad Woman with a Mania of Envy, and Mania 1000$. There are probably many more that aren't as easy to find.
Rybakowski JK (2011). Painting "Mania". J Affect Disord. 128:319-320.
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