Saturday, June 23, 2012

Submit #RealWomenInNeuroscience to SfN Video Contest

Submission deadline extended to July 2 at 5 p.m. EST

By now, many of you have seen the European Commission's disastrous "Science: It's a Girl Thing!" video to promote an interest in science among 13-17 year old girls. It features lipstick, makeup, high heels, short skirts, and...

...a gawking male model at a microscope. The 53 second clip drew so many negative comments that the original was taken down (but fortunately a copy was uploaded for all to see).

Reaction across the internet was rather swift. A good place to start is “Science: It’s a Girl Thing”: Lab Barbie, Extra Lipstick by Maryn McKenna. Spoof videos were posted almost immediately, most notably this Unofficial Response. On Twitter, the hashtag was used to mark tweets about the fiasco, and started a movement to counter the sexist girlie stereotypes emphasizing the importance of nail polish over scientific knowledge and achievement.

The Society for Neuroscience sponsors an annual video contest to raise public awareness about brain research:
Convey a neuroscience concept on video

The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) challenges you to produce an original video demonstrating a concept about the brain that could be used as a teaching tool or resource. Whether it's an animation, song, or hands-on classroom activity, share the wonders of science through the Brain Awareness Video Contest.
So why not submit a video that incorporates real women in neuroscience? You could win up to $1,000 and a trip to SfN's annual meeting in New Orleans!!

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